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Support and Assistance

Request assistance

If you need assistance or problems you can open a ticket in our assistance area. Our technician will evaluate your request.

General information

For Commercial, Administrative information fill in the form at the following link. You will have a consultant at your disposal.


In the documentation area you can find SniperFast guides and FAQs specific to your platform.

Hai altre domande?

Se hai delle domande specifiche, vuoi inviarci delle segnalazioni o necessiti di supporto commerciale contattaci:

Improve your site. It only takes a few minutes

  • Quick and easy installation

  • No template changes and improved store efficiency

  • External service. No load for your server

  • SEO optimized code

SniperFast by GAN srl
Strada degli Angariari 25
47891 Rovereta
Republic of San Marino

+39 0541 148 0222